When driving, we sometimes take on a dierent personality, and unfortunately . That personality is often a reckless risk taker, or someone overly aggr…

رمز المنتج: 61 التصنيف:


When driving, we sometimes take on a dierent personality, and unfortunately . That personality is often a reckless risk taker, or someone overly aggressive. The Safe and Defensive Driving training module discusses tips and techniques for Avoiding risks and aggression. This course also identies numerous factors that appear as innocent actions, but have the potential to cause accidents and injuries. Having the right attitude is the key to driving safely on a public road and/or o road no matter what type of vehicle it is. The most dangerous part of an employees’ workday is when they are commuting on the road. Just one work-related motor vehicle collision with injuries could aect the organization’s productivity and finances, but more importantly, thehealth and future of the employee or employees in the vehicle.

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