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The aim of the BOSIET is to introduce delegates to the specific safety issues and regimes relevant to offshore installations, and to equip them with the basic emergency response knowledge and skills for travelling to and from offshore installations by helicopte
This course is aimed at anyone working in catering or hospitality whether employed or self-employed, working in restaurants, hotels, fast food outlets, takeaways, cafes, bars, kitchens, catering in hospitals, schools, or colleges. The camp inspector is the day-to-day manager of the team providing welfare and service on-site. Furthermore, the camp inspector holds some administrative functions such as the ordering of goods, quality control, menu planning, personnel on-duty scheduling and employee assessments. On a day-to-day basis, the camp inspector must ensure that the working environment rules, the safety and sanitary procedures are adhered to. Additionally, camp inspector manages all maintenance and repairs on camp facilities including plumbing, painting, carpentry, cleaning, and electrical duties etc.
This hands-on, highly-interactive course includes practical sessions for safety auditing and site inspection. Theory learnt in the class will be applied using PSM and HSE system auditing for hazard identication and site inspection in accordance with the applicable international standards. PSM and HSE System auditing is an independent appraisal function undertaken by an organization to examine and evaluate its activities. The objective of PSM and HSE auditing is to provide information to those in management in support of decision making and to assist members of the organization in the effective discharge of their responsibilities. To this end, PSM & HSE auditing may furnish the organization with analyses, appraisals, recommendations, counsel, or information concerning the activities reviewed the adequacy and eectiveness of the organization's system of PSM/HSE control, and the quality of performance. The information furnished to dierent members of the organization may vary in format and detail, depending upon the requirements and requests of those commissioning the audit(s). Throughout the world PSM/HSE auditing is performed in diverse environments and within organizations which vary in purpose, size, and structure. In addition, the laws and customs within various countries dier from one another.
This course develops your ability to focus on your outcome, tune in to your audience and develop your message for clarity and impact without fully worrying about the language barrier. Your ability to create an environment for open discussion and ongoing dialogue is crucial for communication success and more crucial when safety topics is being the subject communicated. This course will cover aspects of communication methods and how the correct message gets transferred to the audience whether in class, safety meeting, office meeting, or during a normal one on one communication. The communications skills covered in this course will increase the participant?s ability to exercise choice and control for every type of conversation, influence without authority and improve quality of relationships and productivity.
Both the general industry and the construction industry conduct numerous work tasks that require entry into confined spaces. Confined spaces are subject to contain many hazards that must be eliminated or controlled prior to entry. Workers must know and follow established confined space entry (CSE) procedures and follow all safety procedures. Identifying the CSE hazards and then controlling them is the most essential part of this course. The course will educate participants on the definition of a confined space and the minimum site safety requirements and procedures to be implemented when opening, entering, exiting, and/or performing work within these spaces.
In many companies, contractors work 50%+ of the hours in the field. That?s why it is important to prequalify, select, mobilize, execute, demobilize, and close out contracted activities to a high standard. An effective relationship between clients and contractors at all stages of the supply chain is essential for competently managing health and safety in a facility or project. In just five-days, you?ll learn the processes for developing and managing a contractor safety management system based on recognized management systems, such as API Recommended Practice 2220 ?Contractor Safety Performance Process? and OGP ?Guidelines for Working together in Contracting Environment?. The course includes knowledge development sessions, practical exercises and problem-solving set in a case study setting. The course concludes with a contractor pre-qualification, selection, and justification exercise.
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). COVID-19 is a new Coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans. This course provides a general introduction to COVID-19, how it is transmitted, and proper prevention to control emerging respiratory viruses. The course is intended to help prevent viral infections and reduce the effects in case of getting infected
Crane accidents cause injuries to operators, workers on the job site and even people nearby. The majority of crane accidents are caused by human error which may result in safety risks and uncontrollable downtime. Accidents can be minimized or prevented through proper training and crane usage. Crane Operator Training is designed for crane operators and the supervisory personnel responsible for the daily operation and safe performance of cranes. The training gives participants the working knowledge to assist in reducing operator errors that may lead to unnecessary downtime. Crane operator training can provide additional knowledge to help avoid possible serious injury to personnel caused by improper crane operation. Participants will learn local requirements for crane operation.Depending on the client requirements, Crane operator training can be made for general or specific categories such as for offshore crane, Mobile Crane, Tower Crane and Overhead Crane. In addition, the Crane Operator Training comes in various levels, awareness, basic, and advance.
When driving, we sometimes takes on a different personality and unfortunately that personality is often a reckless risk taker or someone overly aggressive. The safe and defensive driving training module discuss tips and techniques for avoiding risk and aggression. This course also identify numerous factors that appear as innocent action but we have the potential to cause accidents and injuries. Having the right attitude is the key to driving safely on a public road or of road no mater what type of vehicle it is. The most dangerous part of an employees workday is when they are commuting on the road. Just one work related motor vehicle collision with injuries could affect the organization's productivity and finances, but more importantly the health and future of the employee or employee's in the vehicle.
When driving, we sometimes take on a dierent personality, and unfortunately . That personality is often a reckless risk taker, or someone overly aggressive. The Safe and Defensive Driving training module discusses tips and techniques for Avoiding risks and aggression. This course also identifes numerous factors that appear as innocent actions, but have the potential to cause accidents and injuries. Having the right attitude is the key to driving safely on a public road and/or off road no matter what type of vehicle it is.The most dangerous part of an employees' workday is when they are commuting on the road. Just one work-related motor vehicle collision with injuries could affect the organization's productivity and finances, but more importantly, the health and future of the employee or employees in the vehicle.