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التصنيف: الإدارة
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Administrative Office Procedures
Administrative office procedures may not be glamorous, but they are essential to the success of any enterprise. A well run office reduces miscommunications and helps to eliminate common errors. By making the administrative office a priority, you will establish clear policies and procedures with employee understanding and buy-in, which ensures that your work environment runs smoothly.With our Administrative Office Procedures workshop, your participants will understand how an Administrative Office Procedure binder demonstrates professionalism and efficiency in an organization or office setting. It is also a marvelous instrument for quick reference and utilization. Strategies and procedures are a vital connection between the company's vision and its everyday operations.
Administrative Support Skills Workshop
Administrative assistants are a key part of most office environments. They work quietly in the background, ensuring that the business runs smoothly and efficiently. This workshop will give new administrative assistants tools that will make them that person that the office can't live without. Experienced administrative assistants will learn new tools that will make them more efficient and valuable than ever. In the Administrative Support course, participants will learn the core skills that will help them use their resources efficiently, manage your time wisely, communicate effectively, and collaborate with others skillfully. The practices presented in this course may take time to be a part of your daily work routine. However, making the commitment to consistently apply the concepts every day is the key to changing and adopting new behaviors in a short amount of time.
Adult Learner: Mental Skills
Bloom?s Taxonomy is not just for elementary school teachers. The three domains of the taxonomy apply to adult education as well. In this manual, we will pay attention to the cognitive domain. This is the domain of knowledge and intellect, and it is the main focus of most educators. With our ?Adult Learner: Bloom?s Taxonomy ? Cognitive Domain? workshop, your participants will discover the specifics of how the cognitive domain increases intellectual capability.
Adult Learner: Physical Skills
Bloom?s Taxonomy is not just for elementary school teachers. The three domains of the taxonomy apply to adult education as well. In this manual, we will pay attention to the psychomotor domain. This is the domain of action and physicality. It is important to remember that psychomotor works together with the other domains when implementing it. With our Adult Learning - Physcal Skills workshop, your participants will discover how to better navigate their physical environment. The understanding and coordination of physical skills provides an incredible benefit to everyone.
Anger Management Skills Workshop
Benjamin Franklin once said, 'In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.' We would add a third item to his list: anger. Controlling and limiting anger is important in every aspect of one's life. Without control you are putting limits on what you can accomplish in your personal and professional life. Anger can be an incredibly damaging force, costing people their jobs, personal relationships, and even their lives when it gets out of hand. However, since everyone experiences anger, it is important to have constructive approaches to manage it effectively. The Anger Management workshop will help teach participants how to identify their anger triggers and what to do when they get angry.
Archiving and Records Management Workshop
Records are in every organization. From purchasing reciepts to tax documents to communications, they need to be identitied and managed properly. The method of records management that a company uses should be tailored to fit the needs of the organization. There are, however, some basic concepts in most records management systems. With our ?Archive and Records Management? workshop, your participants will discover the basic elements of records management programs and different ways to manage records.
Assertiveness & Self Confidence Workshop
Self-confident and assertiveness are two skills that are crucial for success in life. If you don't feel worthy, and/or you don't know how to express your self-worth when communicating with others, life can be very painful. These skills will provide opportunities and benefits to your participants in their professional and personal lives. The Assertiveness And Self-Confidence workshop will give participants an understanding of what assertiveness and self-confidence each mean (in general and to them personally) and how to develop those feelings in their day-to-day lives. These skills will encompass many aspects of your participant's lives and have a positive effect on all of them.
Attention Management Skills Workshop
A distracted employee is a less effective employee. Employees who do not pay attention to their work can waste valuable time and make careless mistakes. Your participants will be more efficient at their job, make fewer mistakes, and overall be more productive. Attention Management is a useful skill that allows managers to connect with their employees on an emotional level and motivate them to focus on their work and how to reach their personal and company goals. Your participants will gain valuable insight and strategies into what it takes to be more attentive and vigilant.
Audit Strategies Accounting & Auditing in the E&P Industry/Internal
This 3-day course will cover the essence of establishing good audit practices for internal, joint venture and production sharing contract audit processes in the oil & gas industry. Participants will benefit through specific understanding and of current industry audit practices, techniques and issues reinforced with real world oil & gas case studies learning and daily exercises.
Basic Bookkeeping Skills Workshop
Numbers! Numbers! Numbers! Wherever you go, you are bound to see them. On addresses, license plates, phones, prices, and of course, money! Numbers connect us all to each other in many more ways than we might imagine. Essentially, our world revolves around numbers.Some of us enjoy dealing with numbers while others may have a fear of them, or even a phobia. For those of you who have already recognized and appreciate the impact that numbers actually have on just about everything, you deserve a cookie. Welcome to Basic Bookkeeping!